LucidCatalyst is a highly specialized international consultancy offering thought leadership, strategy development and techno-economic expertise. Our firm excels in combining technical and economic expertise with deep insight into communications strategy development and delivery. This combination enables our interventions to be as impactful as possible. LucidCatalyst only takes on projects which we feel will materially advance the field of clean energy.
What we offer
Transformative solutions
We work to transform the energy space, helping companies gain competitive advantage from this change by engaging in a broad range of the stakeholders who can benefit from and enable these changes. We are deep technical, market, policy and commercial analysts, with extensive experience in starting new businesses and advising companies on entering new markets. Helping large companies to create new ventures and helping new start-up ventures to grow.
Incisive analysis
LucidCatalyst offers incisive analysis based on the cutting edge of technological, economic and political developments relevant to the over-arching challenge of tackling climate change. Our expertise is channelled through a clear and defined strategic assessment of where change is needed and how such change will most efficiently be achieved.
Powerful engagement
LucidCatalyst creates powerful engagement by combining technical expertise and strategic leadership with a deep understanding of what creates and drives social and technological change. Our wide global networks are aligned around the need for rapid and deep global energy transitions as the primary mission. In this way we avoid knowledge or sector silos and are able to reach across traditional boundaries to create powerful new alliances.
Expertise and track record
LucidCatalyst has performed a variety of prominent studies in recent years on advanced nuclear concepts with and for clients and partners, including: EPRI; ARPA-E; Urenco; CATF; the Energy Innovation Reform Project; UK Energy Technologies Institute; and US and UK governments. In addition to this extensive experience specifically on nuclear power, members of LucidCatalyst have collectively performed dozens of in-depth studies on power market mechanisms, system modeling with specialized software, environmental policy impacts, and long-term market dynamics with expansion of solar, wind, energy storage, and other innovative energy resources.
Beautiful Nuclear: Driving Deep Decarbonisation
Superhot Rock Geothermal: A Vision for Zero-Carbon Energy “Everywhere”
UK Energy System Modelling: Net Zero 2050
Missing Link to a Livable Climate: How Hydrogen-Enabled Synthetic Fuels Can Help Deliver Paris Goals
Managing Drivers of Cost in the Construction of Nuclear Plants
Drivers of Cost and Risk in Nuclear New Build Reflecting International Experience
Cost and Performance Requirements for Flexible Advanced Nuclear Plants in Future U.S. Power Markets
Advanced Nuclear Reactors Cost Study
The ETI Nuclear Cost Drivers Project
Advanced Modular Reactor (AMR) Feasibility and Development Project
MIT's The Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World
> For a full list, see Publications
Cited in Government publications including: the UK Nuclear Sector Deal and Expert Finance Working Group on Small Reactors report: Market Framework for Financing Small Nuclear.
In his review, independent project reviewer, Dr. Tim Stone, said: “This report, together with the model and new database has shed a great deal of light on the factors which cause some new nuclear projects to be on time and on budget, and some not. It has assembled the best data yet collected and taken a formal analysis together with carefully gathered qualitative views of the project professionals who have led a number of different projects where anonymity has enabled a great deal of transparency and honesty. The report should be required reading for anyone involved in new nuclear projects anywhere in the world and should also help to dispel myths and educate emotional views on the practical future of new nuclear projects.”
> Independent review letter: Final review of Nuclear Cost Drivers Model
LucidCatalyst works with governments, NGOs, and the private sector on impactful projects to create positive change. A selection of our clients are shown below.