Kirsty Gogan will chair the first-ever public session held on nuclear energy at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos (2025)
Gogan's panel will address how to triple global nuclear capacity by 2050 as a key solution to achieve Net Zero and energy transition goals

The International Energy Agency (IEA) releases major new report ''The Path to a New Era for Nuclear Energy,'' with contributions by LucidCatalyst staff with Terra Praxis
The report shows the fresh impetus behind nuclear in the form of new policies, projects, investments and technological advances, incl. SMRs

U.S. Government-Funded Coal-to-Nuclear Project in Ukraine
LucidCatalyst is working with Terra Praxis on a U.S. government-funded Coal-to-Nuclear Project in Ukraine

World Economic Forum Blog: Accelerating new nuclear and small modular reactor deployment
The WEF published a new blog "Accelerating new nuclear and small modular reactor deployment," authored by Kirsty Gogan and Kristen Panerali

A Collaborative Framework for Accelerating Advanced Nuclear and Small Modular Reactor Deployment
The WEF in collaboration with clean energy stakeholders has released a framework to accelerate the deployment of advanced nuclear and SMRs

Shell's Chief Scientist on the Energy Transition
Shell’s Chief Scientist Dirk Smit cites LucidCatalyst's work on off-shore production platforms for producing zero-carbon energy and fuels

‘Over Our Dead Bodies’: Backlash Builds Against $3 Trillion Clean-Energy Push
WALL STREET JOURNAL—Our 2022 Iowa wind study is cited in this article about the backlash against wind and solar projects nationally

Launching Repowering Coal initiative at COP27
Representing TerraPraxis at COP27, Kirsty Gogan and Eric Ingersoll launched a global Repowering Coal initiative with partner Microsoft

Nuclear Power Gets New Push in U.S., Winning Converts
NYTs—Challenges in meeting clean energy goals & electricity demands means politicians seek to prolong and even expand reactor use.

A longer life for Diablo Canyon? Newsom touts nuke extension
AP—Newsom raised possibility of keeping open state’s sole remaining nuclear power plant. LucidCatalyst helped write influential report.

California promised to close its last nuclear plant. Now Newsom is reconsidering
LA TIMES—With the threat of power shortages looming and climate crisis worsening, Gov. Newsom may attempt to delay the long-planned closure.

Wars are dangerous, reactors much less so
NUCLEAR NEWSWIRE—The risks of nuclear power plants in war zones is surprisingly small, explain nuclear experts, LucidCatalyst advisors

Designing the terawatt transition
LLOYD'S REGISTER—Kirsty Gogan & Eric Ingersoll examine how shipbuilding industry could help produce low-cost, zero-carbon hydrogen fuels

WNE confirms its popularity and its status as the world's largest civil nuclear exhibition
PRESS RELEASE—Great success for WNE 2021. Kirsty Gogan was awarded the first ever WNE fellow award at this event.

U.S. energy chief hints California may grant reprieve to its last nuclear plant
REUTERS—U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said she supports keeping Diablo open. LucidCatalyst helped write influential report.

Op-Ed: California needs to keep the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant open to meet its climate goals
LA TIMES—Steven Chu & Ernest Moniz cite our study with MIT-Stanford to keep Diablo Canyon operating

Opinion: Closing California’s last nuclear power plant would be a mistake
WASHINGTON POST—A new report from MIT, Stanford and LucidCatalyst: Closing down Diablo Canyon would be the definition of climate incoherence

Study assesses potential value of continued operation for Diablo Canyon
WNN—Delaying the retirement of Diablo Canyon would reduce California's power sector carbon emissions, reduce reliance on gas, save billions

Can California Resurrect Its Lone Nuclear Power Plant Because Of Climate Change?
FORBES—Some Californian's and scholars inc. LucidCatalyst are trying to keep Diablo Canyon in operation because of climate change

Q&A: Options for the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant
MIT NEWS—Researchers (& LucidCatalyst) argue the plant could provide multiple benefits for CA, e.g., desalinated water & clean hydrogen fuel

Will the climate crisis force America to reconsider nuclear power?
THE ECONOMIST—A new report from Stanford, MIT and LucidCatalyst reveals how detrimental shutting down Diablo Canyon would be

Keeping California’s Last Nuclear Plant Can Save Money, Climate: MIT-Stanford Study
BLOOMBERG—California’s last nuclear power plant, scheduled to close in 2025, could aid the fight against climate change, cut energy costs...

Saving nuclear plant could help California hit climate goals
REUTERS—California should extend the life of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant to meet state climate goals, according to new report...

Nuclear Seen Keeping Costs Down for "Green" Hydrogen
REUTERS—Hydrogen is increasingly seen as an essential fuel to power a future, carbon-free economy. Cites a new study LucidCatalyst worked on

Independent study on hydrogen production shows using nuclear will cut costs and emissions
URENCO Press Release—Urenco published a new report supported by the IAEA, EDF and LucidCatalyst

Nuclear Needed for Hydrogen Production, Study Says
WNN—Nuclear and renewables are needed for net zero. The article cites a new Aurora study to which LucidCatalyst contributed.

Kirsty Gogan on using ‘Impossible Burgers’ to deliver net zero
NUCLEAR FUTURE–Kirsty Gogan is featured in the cover story about how the nuclear industry can help deliver net zero

Hydrogen Goes Nuclear as U.K. Reactor Pivots Toward Renewables
BLOOMBERG–Kirsty Gogan is quoted about the role of nuclear to produce clean hydrogen and achieve Net Zero in the UK

UK Modelling Report 'Decouples Energy from Emissions'
WNN–Diverse, scalable and low-cost applications for nuclear technologies have for first time been fully represented across whole energy...

NNL Unveils Transformative Nuclear for Net Zero Modelling
NNL NEWS–UK's NNL published a ground-breaking modelling report demonstrating the role nuclear can play in delivering the UK’s net zero goals

Kirsty Gogan and Eric Ingersoll on Nuclear Hydrogen
THE RATIONAL VIEW Podcast–Astrophysicist Dr. Al Scott has a conversation with Eric Ingersoll and Kirsty Gogan about nuclear hydrogen

Nuclear Innovation Highlighted at CEM12
WNN–Kirsty Gogan moderated discussion at CEM—how nuclear energy can contribute to reducing carbon emissions in fight against climate change

De-Risking The Energy Transition
TTI Webinar–LucidCatalyst produced with Top Tier Impact on how we can de-risk the energy transition, featuring Gogan, Ingersoll, and Herter

Nuclear enables environmentalists to talk about 'plenty'
WNN–Kirsty Gogan and Ben Heard at the Atoms for Humanity discussion about Sustainable Development Goals

On Course to Create a Fusion Power Plant
MIT NEWS–Eric Ingersoll helped teach this MIT engineering course, which became an incubator for fusion design innovations

European Taxonomy/Commission Announces Plans To Include Nuclear Energy
NUCNET–Reason prevails! The European commission has announced that it will include nuclear power in the EU’s sustainable taxonomy.

Driving Deeper Decarbonisation with Hydrogen-Enabled Synthetic Fuels
NNWI–LucidCatalyst's report has made crucial breakthrough in designing new strategies for clean low-cost & large-scale hydrogen...

Why Hydrogen Needs Nuclear Power To Succeed
OILPRICE.COM–This article cites LucidCatalyst's Missing Link report describing our proposals for large-scale production of green hydrogen

Advanced heat sources are key to decarbonisation, says LucidCatalyst
WNN–This article features LucidCatalyst's landmark study on zero-carbon hydrogen: Missing Link to a Livable Climate

ETI NCD Study cited in the UK's HM Treasury Net Zero Interim report
HMT Net Zero–"learning can, and does, occur for nuclear power plant construction where nations are able to invest in fleet deployment...

All Reactors Large and Small
ATOMIC INSIGHTS PODCAST–Kirsty & Eric join Rod Adams and other experts in a lively discussion about nuclear plant costs

Non-grid nuclear applications hold key to decarbonisation
WNN–Kirsty Gogan spoke at the 5th Atlantic Council Global Energy Forum about how hydrogen, and nuclear, can help hard to decarbonise areas

The Clean Hydrogen Saga: Part II – The Cost of Clean Hydrogen
ADVANCED ENERGY–This is part 2 of a 4-part series on clean hydrogen and how to bring its costs down

The Need to Scale Up Hydrogen – Part I
ADVANCED ENERGY–LucidCatalyst's "Missing Link" report informed this series of articles about addressing "difficult-to-decarbonize" sectors

Governments Look to Expand Nuclear Power Through SMRs
POWER–Kirsty Gogan said SMRs can provide economical and clean dispatchable generation, repower coal plants, and supply heat ...

Conversation with Kirsty Gogan & Eric Ingersoll
ENERGY STRATEGY Podcast–This podcast from Sweden explores how do we go about delivering on the Paris Agreement and other questions

Floating nuclear power plants are an affordable and clean alternative to fossil fuels
INTELLIGENT LIVING–Floating barges fitted with advanced nuclear reactors could provide electricity across the developing world

Nuclear Industry Sees Its Survival In The Need For Carbon Capture
FORBES–Nuclear advocates see a vast market for reactors in carbon capture and carbon-based products, not only for the next generation ...

Which are the most effective climate change nonprofits?
MEDIUM–LucidCatalyst works closely with both Clean Air Task Force and TerraPraxis, rated most effective nonprofits working on climate...

What is Hydrogen Fuel? New ways of making hydrogen are set to transform the energy industry...
BUSINESS INSIDER–Eric Ingersoll is quoted in this comprehensive article about the $145 billion hydrogen market.